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27 Things I learned

This month I celebrated my birthday with my family. And it's a best way to celebrate it. I what to share with you guys what I learned in the past years. Life is a journey for me. And here are the twenty seven things I learned in my years of excistence.

Don't expect.
Learning to say sorry, is important.
Make friends with your siblings. -dad
People grow. 
There are people who will help you when in your life, sometimes they will be the ones you list expected.
Make time to chat with your family.
You are responsible for your own happiness.
Learn to make your own decisions.
Live your beautiful life.
Have fun while learning. 
Don't feel damn to admit that you don't know everything.
Don't be afraid to learn new things. Even though other people might laugh at your crazy interest. Because its not expected of you.
You don't have to go to collage right away, after you graduate to high school.
The things we are scared to do are most likely the things that can make us happy. So what's stopping you.
Learn to say No.
It's okay to have a mentor.
Life is 10% what happen to me. And 90% what I done.
When you're feeling lost. You just don't realize that you are on your way where deep inside your heart you wanted to be.
What sparks joy?
Love yourself.
Make time for the things that are Important to you.
Time management.
Don't problem the problem. 
Enjoy the free things in life.
Share your knowledge
You only fail when you stop trying
There are two things we feel sorry for in our lives. The things that we did not do. And the things we delay in life.
Do this now.
Life is a journey. Some times it will take a while to know what we want.
Building your confidence is more important than knowing everything. 



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